
                                                                 NADEx Esports # NOTICE #To, All the clan members, NADEx乛 Màfía wants to give notice to all of us, which includes me also! You all know that there are so many upcoming tournaments and our clan is also planning to  participate as always! So, now it's time to make some changes to our gameplay! You have to tell me which type of gameplay you play better!  Sniper Spray Master Assaulter Supporter/Coverer Rusher All members are requested to pick up only one type to mastery which u play better! Remember that only one option u can choose! After choosing ur best option u have to send that in my private contacts by these regulations...  Name: (YOUR IN GAME NAME)  ID: (YOUR IN GAME ID)  Your Desired Role  Remember that, when u Chose one option,...

Legends never die



Clan Requirements
